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How to Delete mail items from Microsoft 365 mailbox

To delete mail items from a single or multiple mailboxes in Microsoft 365, you must find the messages using a compliance search. Once that’s done, you can choose to soft-delete or hard-delete the mail items. In this article, you will learn how to delete mail items from a Microsoft 365 mailbox with PowerShell.


You must assign the following permissions (Compliance Search, Search And Purge, Preview, Export) to the admin account. This will let you search, view, export, and delete mail items.

Check if you have set the required permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal to use the New-ComplianceSearchAction or Remove-ComplianceSearch cmdlets.

To create a new role and assign permissions in Microsoft Purview, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Microsoft Purview
  2. Click Roles & scopes > Permissions
  3. Click Microsoft Purview solutions > Roles
How to assign roles and permissions to delete mail items in Microsoft Purview
  1. Click Create role group
How to create role group to delete mail items in Microsoft Purview
  1. Name the role group
  2. Click Next
Name new role group in Microsoft Purview
  1. Click Choose roles
Choose roles in Microsoft Purview
  1. Add the roles (Compliance Search, Search And Purge, Preview, Export)
  2. Click Next
Add roles to the new role group in Microsoft Purview
  1. Click Choose users
Choose users to the new role group in Microsoft Purview
  1. Add the user
  2. Click Next
Add admin user to the role group in Microsoft Purview to delete mail items
  1. Click Create
Review the roles in the role group and create in Microsoft Purview
  1. Click Done
Successfully create a new role group in Microsoft Purview to delete mail items

All the permissions are set now.

Note: It can take up to one hour for the permissions to be assigned to the user.

1. Connect to Exchange Online

It’s important to have Exchange Online PowerShell module version 3.2.0 or higher on the system installed.

Note: You need to Update the Exchange Online PowerShell module to the latest version. Otherwise, the commands will not work.

To be able to run the PowerShell commands specified in the current article, you will need to Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell.

Start Windows PowerShell as administrator and run the cmdlet Connect-ExchangeOnline.


Then you need to connect again with the below command.


To delete mail items from a single or multiple Microsoft 365 mailboxes, you need to create a content search in Microsoft Purview or with PowerShell.

Use one of the following methods to create and start a compliance search:

  • Exchange Online PowerShell
  • Microsoft Purview compliance portal

We suggest you follow the steps in the article How to Use the New-ComplianceSearch PowerShell cmdlet to run a compliance search.

Once you complete the compliance search, you can proceed to the next step.

3. Delete mail items from all mailboxes

First, we will run the New-ComplianceSearch PowerShell cmdlet to create a new search. After that, we will run the New-ComplianceSearchAction PowerShell cmdlet, to delete mail items from the compliance search.

In our example, we want to find all the mail items that were sent to a specific user ( on a specific date (2024-03-15).

We will create a compliance search that will search through all the mailboxes. You need to specify the value All in the -ExchangeLocation parameter.

New-ComplianceSearch -Name "Spam Mail" -ExchangeLocation "All" -ContentMatchQuery "( AND (Sent:2024-03-15)" 

Run the below PowerShell command to soft delete all the mail items of a specific compliance search.

New-ComplianceSearchAction -SearchName "Spam Mail" -Purge -PurgeType SoftDelete -Confirm:$false

The PowerShell output shows the below output. It automatically creates the purge with a name (Spam Mail_Purge) and starts.

Name            SearchName Action RunBy          JobEndTime Status
----            ---------- ------ -----          ---------- ------
Spam Mail_Purge Spam Mail  Purge  M365info Admin            Starting

Run the below PowerShell command to see if the purge is completed.

Get-ComplianceSearchAction -Identity "Spam Mail_Purge"

The PowerShell output shows the status Completed.

Name            SearchName Action RunBy          JobEndTime          Status
----            ---------- ------ -----          ----------          ------
Spam Mail_Purge Spam Mail  Purge  M365info Admin 02/04/2024 21.35.30 Completed

Run the below PowerShell command to see a detailed list of the purge results.

Get-ComplianceSearchAction -Identity "Spam Mail_Purge" | Format-List

The PowerShell output shows the below result. In our example, it deleted 44 mail items in total and without errors.

Note: The email items are removed to the Deleted Items folder, because it’s soft-deleted. It means the user can still find and restore or purge the email items from the Recover Deleted Items in Outlook.

SearchName                            : Spam Mail
EstimateSearchRunId                   : 6f9c7f6b-c543-4a47-999d-08dc5107d0c5
EstimateSearchJobId                   : d11047fb-9725-4d8f-64ca-08dc5107ccc4
ActionVersion                         : 
Results                               : Purge Type: SoftDelete; Item count: 44; Total size 895806; Details: {Location:       
                              ; Item count: 10; Total size: 313705; Failed count: 0; ,      
                                        Location:; Item count: 10; Total size: 222878; Failed     
                                        count: 0; ,
                                        Location:; Item count: 10; Total size: 163677; Failed count: 0;  
                                        Location:; Item count: 10; Total size: 133863; Failed count: 0;  
                                        Location:; Item count: 2; Total size: 17300; Failed count: 0; ,  
                                        Location:; Item count: 1; Total size: 22980; Failed        
                                        count: 0; ,
                                        Location:; Item count: 1; Total size: 21403; Failed count: 0; }  
Errors                                : 
Action                                : Purge
ValidDuration                         : 00:10:00
JobId                                 : 4c788d4e-f0e3-4f33-40e5-08dc535cba55
Name                                  : Spam Mail_Purge
CreatedTime                           : 02/04/2024 21.34.50
LastModifiedTime                      : 02/04/2024 21.35.30
JobStartTime                          : 02/04/2024 21.34.50
JobEndTime                            : 02/04/2024 21.35.30
Description                           : 
CreatedBy                             : M365info Admin
RunBy                                 : M365info Admin
TenantId                              : a2ff010e-0e03-4c56-8863-2ae7f07876dd
NumBindings                           : 7
Status                                : Completed
ExchangeLocation                      : {All}
PublicFolderLocation                  : 
SharePointLocation                    : 
OneDriveLocation                      : 
ExchangeLocationExclusion             : 
PublicFolderLocationExclusion         : 
SharePointLocationExclusion           : 
OneDriveLocationExclusion             : 
JobRunId                              : 7c280e70-f8c4-4c74-059f-08dc535cba5a
Retry                                 : False
AllowNotFoundExchangeLocationsEnabled : False
JobOptions                            : 272
JobProgress                           : 100
CaseId                                : 
CaseName                              : 
PagingState                           : 
Identity                              : 7c280e70-f8c4-4c74-059f-08dc535cba5a
ContentURL                            : 
ResultInEOP                           : False
AzureBatchFrameworkEnabled            : True
IsValid                               : True
ObjectState                           : New

You can also delete the mail items permanently from all the mailboxes.

Important: You can’t restore any hard deleted mail items from a Microsoft 365 mailbox, because it will be permanently deleted.

Run the below PowerShell command to hard delete all the mail items.

New-ComplianceSearchAction -SearchName "Spam Mail" -Purge -PurgeType HardDelete -Confirm:$false

4. Verify soft deleted mail items in Outlook

When you soft delete the mail items of your compliance search, the user can still choose to restore or purge the soft deleted items in Outlook. In our example, the user ( will sign in to Outlook and check if these 10 email messages are soft deleted.

To find the deleted mail items in Outlook, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Outlook
  2. Click Deleted Items folder
  3. Click Recover Deleted items from Server
  4. See the Recover Deleted Items
How to Delete mail items from Microsoft 365 mailbox in Outlook

It will also delete the mail items in the other mailboxes. In the next step, we will explain how to delete the mail items from a single mailbox.

5. Delete mail items from single Microsoft 365 mailbox

To delete mail items from a single mailbox, you need to specify it in the compliance search.

In our example, we want to find all the mail items that were sent to a specific user ( on a specific date (2024-03-15).

We will create a new compliance search that will only search a single mailbox. You need to specify the single mailbox value in the -ExchangeLocation parameter.

New-ComplianceSearch -Name "Amanda Hansen mailbox" -ExchangeLocation "" -ContentMatchQuery "( AND (Sent:2024-03-15)" 

It will only search the content in the user mailbox you specified.

Note: When you create a compliance search, there is no option to change it afterward. If you made a mistake, you need to delete the compliance search and create a new one.

To soft-delete all the mail items from a single mailbox, run the below PowerShell command.

New-ComplianceSearchAction -SearchName "Amanda Hansen mailbox" -Purge -PurgeType SoftDelete -Confirm:$false

To hard-delete all the mail items from a single mailbox, run the below PowerShell command.

Important: You can’t restore any hard deleted mail items from a Microsoft 365 mailbox, because it will be permanently deleted.

New-ComplianceSearchAction -SearchName "Amanda Hansen mailbox" -Purge -PurgeType HardDelete -Confirm:$false

You can delete the compliance search and compliance search report in two methods:

  • Exchange Online Powershell
  • Microsoft Purview compliance portal

Delete Compliance Search with PowerShell

We will use the Remove-ComplianceSearch cmdlet to remove compliance searches from the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.

Run the below PowerShell command to delete a compliance search.

Remove-ComplianceSearch -Identity "Spam Mail" -Confirm:$false

It removes any compliance search with the status not started, starting, stopped, or completed.

Delete Compliance Search Action with PowerShell

We will use the Remove-ComplianceSearchAction cmdlet to remove compliance search actions from the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.

If you created a compliance search export or report, you can delete these results. It will not delete the compliance search.

To remove a specific compliance search report, run the below PowerShell cmdlet.

Remove-ComplianceSearchAction -Identity "Spam Mail_Export" -Confirm:$false

Delete Content Search in Microsoft Purview

To delete a compliance search in Microsoft Purview, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Microsoft Purview
  2. Click Content search
  3. Click the name of your search (SpamMeeting)
Delete the compliance search in Microsoft Purview
  1. Click Actions
  2. Select Delete
Delete the compliance search in Microsoft Purview
  1. Click Yes
Confirm to delete the compliance search in Microsoft Purview
  1. It automatically deletes the compliance search (SpamMeeting) from the content search list.
Compliance search deleted in Microsoft Purview

Delete Content Search Export in Microsoft Purview

If you exported the compliance search result to a report, you can also delete it.

To delete a content search export in Microsoft Purview, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Microsoft Purview
  2. Click Content search
  3. Click Export
  4. Click the name of your search (SpamMeeting_Export)
  5. Click Delete
  1. Click Delete to confirm
  1. It deletes the compliance search export (SpamMeeting_Export) from the list.

That’s it!

Read more: Export Microsoft 365 mailbox to PST file »


You learned how to delete mail items from a Microsoft 365 mailbox with PowerShell. First, you must assign permissions in Microsoft Purview to search, view, export, and delete mail items from mailboxes. After that, you can choose to search and delete mail items from a single mailbox or multiple mailboxes.

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o365info Team

o365info Team

This article was written by our team of experienced IT architects, consultants, and engineers.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Very Well explained. I still liked the old days when MSFT had Holds options within EXO admin center. The New admin center doesn’t show up all the information like old one..

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