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Restore Azure AD users with Microsoft Graph PowerShell

A recently deleted Azure AD user will remain available in the Azure AD recycle bin for 30 days. Within these 30 days, you can fully restore an Azure AD user account with the Restore-MgDirectoryDeletedItem cmdlet. If you create a CSV file, you can bulk restore deleted Azure AD users. In this article, you will learn how to restore Azure AD users with Microsoft Graph PowerShell.

Restore MsolUser deprecated

Microsoft announced the Restore-MsolUser cmdlet will be deprecated on March 30, 2024. You need to replace the MS Online PowerShell modules with Microsoft Graph PowerShell. To restore an Azure AD user, we will use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell cmdlets.

Manage Azure AD users with Microsoft Graph PowerShell

We created specific articles to manage Azure AD users with Microsoft Graph PowerShell:

Connect to Microsoft Graph PowerShell

Before you start, you must install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module. Start Windows PowerShell as administrator and run the below command to install the Microsoft Graph module.

Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Force

You also need to connect to MS Graph with the below scopes.

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.ReadWrite.All"

Now, you are all set to use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell commands.

Bulk export list soft deleted Azure AD users to CSV

You can get a list of all the Azure AD deleted users in the recycle bin. The below script will show the list in a grid view and save a CSV file. To bulk export the list to a CSV file, create a temp folder and save it in your (C:) drive.

We will use the Get-MgDirectoryDeletedItemAsUser PowerShell cmdlet with the -All parameter.

Run the below PowerShell script.

# Connect with privileges
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.ReadWrite.All" 

# Retrieve deleted directory items
$DeletedItems = Get-MgDirectoryDeletedItemAsUser -All -Property 'Id', 'userPrincipalName', 'displayName', 'deletedDateTime', 'userType'

# Check if there are no deleted accounts
if ($DeletedItems.Count -eq 0) {
    Write-Host "No deleted accounts found in the recycle bin." -ForegroundColor Cyan
else {
    # Create an array to store the report
    $Report = @()

    # Loop through the deleted items
    foreach ($Item in $DeletedItems) {
        $DeletedDate = Get-Date($Item.DeletedDateTime)
        $DaysSinceDeletion = (New-TimeSpan $DeletedDate).Days

        # Create a custom object for each item and add it to the report
        $ReportLine = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Id                    = $Item.Id
            UserPrincipalName     = $Item.UserPrincipalName
            'Display Name'        = $Item.DisplayName
            Deleted               = $DeletedDate
            'Days Since Deletion' = $DaysSinceDeletion
            Type                  = $Item.UserType
        $Report += $ReportLine

    # Sort the report by 'Display Name'
    $Report | Sort-Object 'Display Name' | Select-Object Id, UserPrincipalName, 'Display Name', Deleted, 'Days Since Deletion' | Format-Table
    $Report | Sort-Object UserId | Export-Csv -Path "C:\temp\AzureDeletedUsers.csv" -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation

See the below PowerShell output result.

Id                                   UserPrincipalName                                              Display Name  Deleted             Days Since Deletion
--                                   -----------------                                              ------------  -------             -------------------
12eefbb2-e5f4-4eec-bd18-df7ca2f1ee6b    Ken Walker    06/11/2023 22.17.08                   0
2b8f4e12-46f1-45ef-bcac-0d5ab84c819c   Megan Jones   06/11/2023 22.17.10                   0
381ba50d-e356-4b5c-afd5-9157cd38d338    Kelly Test    06/11/2023 22.17.12                   0
67962421-00e7-448b-b382-83b7b434e41c George Wilson 06/11/2023 22.18.08                   0
d601b048-c7d7-4113-8089-2ca8d7303265   Laura Terry   06/11/2023 22.18.28                   0
a9532b30-4edb-4b66-a3b0-6ac972a6065b    Jill Bates    06/11/2023 22.18.48                   0

You will find the CSV file in the C:\temp folder. Open the CSV file with an application like Microsoft Excel to see the results. These are all the deleted users in the Azure AD recycle bin.

Export all soft deleted Azure AD users from recycle bin to CSV

You can use this CSV file to restore some of your Azure AD users.

Restore Azure AD users

When you delete an Azure AD user, the account moves to the Azure AD recycle bin and remains for 30 days. You can only restore a deleted user if the user is still in the Azure AD recycle bin. We will show you how to restore an already deleted Azure AD user account in three methods:

  1. Restore a single Azure AD user account
  2. Restore multiple Azure AD users with CSV
  3. Bulk restore all Azure AD users

1. Restore-MgDirectoryDeletedItem Azure AD user

Let’s say you made a mistake and want to restore the same user account. Unfortunately, you can’t use the Restore-MgUser cmdlet because it will not work. Therefore, we need to use the Restore-MgDirectoryDeletedItem with the -DirectoryObjectId parameter.

Note: The Restore-MgUser cmdlet does not exist.

In our example, we want to delete the user account When you restore a user account, you must use the Object ID number.

Run the below PowerShell command example.

Restore-MgDirectoryDeletedItem -DirectoryObjectId "a9532b30-4edb-4b66-a3b0-6ac972a6065b"

The PowerShell output shows the below results.

Id                                   DeletedDateTime
--                                   ---------------

2. Restore multiple Azure AD users from CSV

To restore a few Azure AD users from the recycle bin, you need to create a CSV file. We need to use the Get-MgDirectoryDeletedItemAsUser cmdlet with the -All parameter to get all the deleted users in the Azure AD recycle bin. Also, we will use the Restore-MgDirectoryDeletedItem cmdlet to restore the users from the CSV file.

Note: You need to provide the ID number with the hyphens (-) of the user account, or the PowerShell script will not work. We will also list the UPN for each user to get a clear picture of to whom each ID number belongs.

Create a CSV file with 2 columns:

  1. Type ID at the top of the first column
  2. Type UserPrincipalName at the top of the second column
  3. List the ID number, including hyphens (-) of each user under ID
  4. List the UPN for each user under UserPrincipalName

See the below CSV file example.

Restore Azure AD users from CSV with Microsoft Graph PowerShell
  1. Create the folder temp if you don’t have it already in the (C:) drive
  2. Name the file Restore.csv
  3. Save as type CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited)(*.csv)
  4. Click Save
Restore Azure AD users from CSV file with Microsoft Graph PowerShell
  1. Run the below PowerShell script to restore multiple Azure AD users
# Connect with privileges
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.ReadWrite.All"

# Retrieve deleted directory items
$DeletedItems = Get-MgDirectoryDeletedItemAsUser -All -Property 'Id', 'displayName'

# Import the CSV file with user IDs
$UserIds = Import-Csv -Path "C:\temp\Restore.csv"

foreach ($UserId in $UserIds) {
    $Id = $UserId.ID

    # Check if the user ID exists in the deleted items
    $DeletedUser = $DeletedItems | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id }

    if ($DeletedUser) {
        # Restore the user by ID
        Restore-MgDirectoryDeletedItem -DirectoryObjectId $DeletedUser.Id #-WhatIf
        Write-Host "Restored user $($DeletedUser.displayName)" -ForegroundColor Green
    else {
        Write-Host "User with ID $Id not found in deleted items." -ForegroundColor Yellow

Write-Host "Restoration process completed." -ForegroundColor Cyan
  1. The PowerShell output result appears
Restored user George Wilson with ID: 67962421-00e7-448b-b382-83b7b434e41c
Restored user Kelly Test with ID: 381ba50d-e356-4b5c-afd5-9157cd38d338
Restored user Laura Terry with ID: d601b084-c7df-4113-8089-2ca8d7303265
User with ID 954b27cf-8401-420b-bbd2-7f70903c0707 not found in deleted items.
Restoration process completed.

3. Bulk restore all soft deleted Azure AD users

You can bulk restore all the deleted Azure AD users in the recycle bin. We need to use the Get-MgDirectoryDeletedItemAsUser and Restore-MgDirectoryDeletedItem cmdlets in our script.

Run the below PowerShell script.

# Connect with privileges
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.ReadWrite.All"

# Retrieve deleted directory items
$DeletedItems = Get-MgDirectoryDeletedItemAsUser -All -Property 'Id', 'displayName'

# Check if there are no deleted accounts
if ($DeletedItems.Count -eq 0) {
    Write-Host "No deleted accounts found in the recycle bin." -ForegroundColor Cyan
else {
    # Restore deleted users
    foreach ($Item in $DeletedItems) {
        # Restore the user by ID
        Restore-MgDirectoryDeletedItem -DirectoryObjectId $Item.Id #-WhatIf 
        Write-Host "Restored user $($Item.DisplayName)" -ForegroundColor Green

    Write-Host "Restoration process completed." -ForegroundColor Cyan

It will restore all the deleted users in the Azure AD recycle bin.

Restored user Ken Walker
Restored user Jill Bates
Restored user Megan Jones
Restoration process completed.

You successfully managed to restore Azure AD users with the Restore-MgDirectoryDeletedItem cmdlet.

Read more: Enable or disable Exchange ActiveSync mailboxes »


You learned how to restore Azure AD users with Microsoft Graph PowerShell. You can bulk export all deleted Azure AD users in the recycle bin to a single CSV file. Then, you can restore a single, multiple, or all Azure AD user accounts from the recycle bin with MS Graph PowerShell.

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