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How to block Top-Level Domain in Microsoft 365

Organizations get numerous unwanted emails from various domains in their junk mail. It’s best to block all these emails by blocking the Top-Level Domain URL or domain URL in their message. You can configure this feature in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal or Exchange Online PowerShell. In this article, you will learn how to block a URL Top-Level Domain in Microsoft 365.

What is Top-Level Domain (TLD)?

A Top-Level Domain (TLD) represents the first stop after the root zone. So, a TLD is everything that follows the final dot of a domain name. For example, our domain name is, where the TLD is .com.

Top-Level Domain URL

Microsoft allows you to block a URL Top-Level Domain used in an email message. It does not mean you can block the Top-Level Domain these people sent their emails from. If the sender mentions the Top-Level Domain in the message, the email will be quarantined.

Note: When you block a TLD, it will only apply to people sending emails from outside the organization. So it will not block emails that contain a TLD in their message when sent between internal recipients in an organization.

Let’s say you blocked the Top-Level Domain .dk in your organization. It means you will not receive any emails that mention the letters .dk in the message. The sender can still send an email from a Top-Level Domain that contains .dk as long as it does not type .dk in the email message.

There are several Top-Level Domains your organization should block. Spamhaus collects the most abused Top-Level Domains and updates its top 10 worst TLDs daily.

NumberTop-Level Domain (xn--2scrj9c)

Block URL Top-level Domain in Microsoft 365 Defender

To block a Top-Level Domain URL in Microsoft 365, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Microsoft 365 Defender portal
  2. Click on Email & collaboration > Policies & rules
  3. Choose Threat policies
How to block Top-Level Domain in Microsoft 365
  1. Select Tenant Allow/Block Lists
How to block Top-Level Domain in Microsoft 365
  1. Select URLs
  2. Click Block
How to block Top-Level Domain in Microsoft 365
  1. Add URLs with wildcards (*.com/*, *.live/*)
  2. Select Never expire
  3. Click Add

Note: You can also block a Domain instead of a Top-Level Domain. For example,

How to block Top-Level Domain in Microsoft 365
  1. Confirm you see the Top-Level Domain value in the list
How to block Top-Level Domain in Microsoft 365

Important: It can take 15 minutes before it’s updated in the Microsoft cloud servers before the changes take effect.

Block Top-Level Domain with PowerShell

We will show you how to block a Top-Level Domain with Exchange Online PowerShell.

First, you need to Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell. Open Windows PowerShell as administrator, run the below cmdlet, and sign in with your admin credentials.


Option 1: Block Top-Level Domain with PowerShell

Run the below PowerShell command example to block a TLD with no expiration date. It will block email messages that contain the Top-Level Domain .com.

New-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url -Block -Entries "*.com/*" -NoExpiration

The below PowerShell command example blocks multiple TLDs with no expiration date.

New-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url -Block -Entries "*.com/*", "*.live/*" -NoExpiration

Option 2: Block Domain with PowerShell

Run the below PowerShell command example to block a domain with no expiration date. It will block email messages that contain the domain, such as or

New-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url -Block -Entries "" -NoExpiration

The below PowerShell command example blocks multiple domains with no expiration date.

New-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url -Block -Entries "", "" -NoExpiration

Get Tenant Allow/Block list with PowerShell

Display a list of all blocked and allow TLDs and Domains.

Run the below PowerShell command.

Get-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url | ft

The output will show the Tenant Allow/Block List with all the values (URLs).

Error Identity                                                                                          Value       Action Notes SubmissionID                         ListSubType SysManaged LastModifiedDateTime 
----- --------                                                                                          -----       ------ ----- ------------                         ----------- ---------- ----------------- 
      RgAAAABeMrqDJzLFRJUcFHeVMA0OBwDht8mD3XfHQbfDlGMujvwUAAASkZLVAADht8mD3XfHQbfDlGMujvwUAAAZHSF2AAAA0   Allow        fff419f5-f9f0-41e6-56ee-08dbf2b46cc8 Submission        True 22/12/2023 22.28.55
      RgAAAABeMrqDJzLFRJUcFHeVMA0OBwDht8mD3XfHQbfDlGMujvwUAAASkZLVAADht8mD3XfHQbfDlGMujvwUAAAZHSF1AAAA0 *.live/*    Block        Non-Submission                       Tenant           False 22/11/2023 22.08.03 
      RgAAAABeMrqDJzLFRJUcFHeVMA0OBwDht8mD3XfHQbfDlGMujvwUAAASkZLVAADht8mD3XfHQbfDlGMujvwUAAAZHSF0AAAA0 *.com/*     Block        Non-Submission                       Tenant           False 22/11/2023 22.08.03
      RgAAAABeMrqDJzLFRJUcFHeVMA0OBwDht8mD3XfHQbfDlGMujvwUAAASkZLVAADht8mD3XfHQbfDlGMujvwUAAAZHSFzAAAA0 Block        Non-Submission                       Tenant           False 22/11/2023 22.17.45

Display a list of all blocked TLDs and Domains.

Run the below PowerShell command.

Get-TenantAllowBlockListItems -ListType Url -Block | ft

The output shows the Tenant Block List with the values (URLs).

Error Identity                                                                                          Value       Action Notes SubmissionID   ListSubType SysManaged LastModifiedDateTime ExpirationDate     
----- --------                                                                                          -----       ------ ----- ------------   ----------- ---------- -------------------- --------------     
      RgAAAABeMrqDJzLFRJUcFHeVMA0OBwDht8mD3XfHQbfDlGMujvwUAAASkZLVAADht8mD3XfHQbfDlGMujvwUAAAZHSF1AAAA0 *.live/*    Block        Non-Submission Tenant           False 22/11/2023 22.08.03
      RgAAAABeMrqDJzLFRJUcFHeVMA0OBwDht8mD3XfHQbfDlGMujvwUAAASkZLVAADht8mD3XfHQbfDlGMujvwUAAAZHSF0AAAA0 *.com/*     Block        Non-Submission Tenant           False 22/11/2023 22.08.03
      RgAAAABeMrqDJzLFRJUcFHeVMA0OBwDht8mD3XfHQbfDlGMujvwUAAASkZLVAADht8mD3XfHQbfDlGMujvwUAAAZHSFzAAAA0 Block        Non-Submission Tenant           False 22/11/2023 22.17.45

Check URL blocked TLD message quarantined

Send an email with the blocked URL Top-Level Domain in the message.

Note: If the TLD appears in the subject, it will not block it. It will only block TLDs in the message body.

See the below example.

Check URL top-level domain email message

Check if your email status is quarantined in Microsoft Defender:

  1. Sign in to Microsoft 365 Defender portal
  2. Click on Email & collaboration > Review
  3. Choose Quarantine
Block Top-Level Domain in Microsoft Defender Quarantine
  1. See the Email quarantine list, and you will find the message that is blocked
Check email message quarantine in Microsoft Defender

That’s it!

Read more: Find Microsoft 365 tenant domain name »


You learned how to block a Top-Level Domain in Microsoft 365. Protect your organization from unwanted junk emails, and add the URL Top-Level Domains in the Microsoft Defender or with Exchange Online PowerShell. This will block all emails with a URL Top-Level Domain written in their message body and set them in quarantine.

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o365info Team

o365info Team

This article was written by our team of experienced IT architects, consultants, and engineers.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Is blocking url block email with this top domain too ?
    Exemple, .live does it will block email coming from * ?


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