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How to Export email addresses with PowerShell

Each mailbox or recipient can have multiple email addresses. You can search and get all email addresses in the organization for a single or all users. These are the primary SMTP addresses and secondary smtp aliases. In this article, you will learn how to export email addresses with PowerShell to a CSV file.

Manage email addresses in Exchange Online

To manage email addresses in your Microsoft 365 organization, use the following articles:

Primary vs. Secondary email address

Some users in your organization have multiple email addresses. You can search and find specific email addresses for both a single user and all users.

Each user should have a primary SMTP address. The secondary smtp email address is also known as the alias. An alias is another email address people can use to email the user. There are also proxy email addresses, which are additional addresses known as SIP or x500 addresses.

The table below shows the difference between SMTP and smtp email addresses.

Only one addressZero, one, or multiple addresses
Primary email addressSecondary email address or Alias
Written in uppercase letters (SMTP)Written in lowercase letters (smtp)
Use PrimarySmtpAddress in PowerShell to display only SMTP addresses.Use EmailAddresses in PowerShell to show all email addresses (SMTP, smtp, SIP, x500 addresses)
The recipient can send and accept messages from the SMTP email address.By default, the recipient can only accept email messages sent to the smtp email address. The recipient can’t send from an alias address unless you turn on sending from aliases in the Microsoft 365 tenant.*

*You can only send from Alias email address, if you have an Exchange Online mailbox, because the feature is unavailable for Exchange on-premises mailboxes.

Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell

To run the PowerShell commands specified in the current article, you must Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell.


Get single mailbox email addresses

We will use the Get-Mailbox cmdlet to display information about the email addresses.

To get all the email addresses of a single user mailbox, run the below PowerShell command.

Get-Mailbox "" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses

The PowerShell output shows the below result.

Get primary SMTP address

Run the below PowerShell command to show the primary SMTP address of a specific Exchange Online recipient.

Get-Mailbox "" | Select-Object DisplayName, PrimarySmtpAddress

The PowerShell output shows the below result.

DisplayName   PrimarySmtpAddress
-----------   ------------------
Amanda Hansen

To display the primary SMTP address of all Exchange Online mailboxes, run the below PowerShell command.

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object DisplayName, PrimarySmtpAddress

Display only smtp email addresses

With the Get-Mailbox cmdlet, you can’t specify a type of email address, such as a proxy email address. Therefore, you need to add the hashtable, which is a special array in the PowerShell command.

The hashtable is created in parts:

  1. Use the @ character to create the hashtable followed by braces brackets { } and a name.
  2. Use the = character and define the array name.
  3. The expression part is to create a PowerShell-filtered search query.
  4. Define a filter with the Where-Object PowerShell statement with the comparison operator -cmatch, which is case-sensitive only to get smtp email addresses.

Run the PowerShell command to list only the smtp email addresses of a single mailbox.

Get-Mailbox "" | Select-Object DisplayName, @{Name = "EmailAddresses"; Expression = { ($_.EmailAddresses | Where-Object { $_ -cmatch "smtp:*" } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace 'smtp:' }) -join ';' } }

The PowerShell output shows the below output.

DisplayName  EmailAddresses
-----------  --------------
Brenda Smith;;

To display smtp email addresses of all Exchange Online mailboxes, run the below PowerShell command.

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object DisplayName, @{Name = "EmailAddresses"; Expression = { ($_.EmailAddresses | Where-Object { $_ -cmatch "smtp:*" } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace 'smtp:' }) -join ';' } }

Display only SIP addresses

To show only the SIP addresses of all mailboxes, you need to use the Where-Object with the -like PowerShell comparison operator.

Run the below PowerShell command to show all SIP addresses for all users.

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object DisplayName, @{Name = "SIP Email Address"; Expression = { $_.EmailAddresses | Where-Object { $_ -like "sip:*" } } }

The PowerShell output shows the below result.

DisplayName              SIP Email Address
-----------              -----------------
Adam Mackay    
Amanda Hansen
Amanda Morgan  
Andrea Baker   
Anna Bell
Blake Martin   
Brenda Smith   
Brian Mill     
Carl Hawk      

Display only x500 addresses

To view only the x500 email addresses of all mailboxes, you need to use the Where-Object with the -cmatch PowerShell comparison operator.

Run the below PowerShell command to get a list of all the x500 addresses of all mailboxes.

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object DisplayName, @{Name = "x500 Email Address"; Expression = { $_.EmailAddresses | Where-Object { $_ -cmatch "x500:*" } } }

Search all email addresses with specific domain name suffix

To search for specific email addresses, you can use the Where-Object in PowerShell. To filter the result, we will use the -eq or -like PowerShell comparison operators.

The PowerShell syntax will look like the below example using -eq.

Where-Object { $_.EmailAddresses -eq "" }

Another PowerShell syntax example using -like.

Where-Object { $_.EmailAddresses -like "*" }

In our example, we want to get all email addresses with the domain name suffix

Run the below PowerShell command to get all Primary SMTP with a specific domain name suffix for all mailboxes.

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object DisplayName, PrimarySMTPAddress, @{Name = "Proxy Email Addresses"; Expression = { $_.EmailAddresses -cmatch "smtp" } } | Where-Object { ($_.PrimarySMTPAddress -like "**") }

The PowerShell output shows a list of all the email addresses of the user.

DisplayName        PrimarySmtpAddress              Proxy Email Addresses
-----------        ------------------              ---------------------
Adam Mackay        {,}
Amanda Hansen
Andrea Baker
Anna Bell
Blake Martin
Brenda Smith       {,,}
Brian Mill
Carl Hawk
Carol Piper        {,}
Catch All
Chris Lucas
Test SharedMailbox

To search all email addresses, we will use the Get-Recipient to go through all mail-enabled objects. We will add the -Filter parameter with a specific domain suffix.

Run the PowerShell command example to get all email addresses of all the recipients.

Get-Recipient -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter { EmailAddresses -like "*" } | Format-Table DisplayName, EmailAddresses

The PowerShell output results.

DisplayName              EmailAddresses
-----------              --------------
Amanda Hansen            {, SPO:SPO_a21d1f73-5b3e-47db-bccd-16559e7d5560@SPO_a2ff010e-0e03-4c56-8863-2ae7f07876dd}
Chris Lucas              {,,}
Diana Baker              {,, SPO:SPO_13fee752-5966-4b62-98e2-f27fe9e5f66d@SPO_a2ff010e-0e03-4c56-8863-2ae7f07876dd}
Info Box                 {,}
Projector 8              {,}

To search email addresses of soft-deleted mailboxes in Exchange Online, run the below PowerShell command.

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -SoftDeletedMailbox -Filter { EmailAddresses -like "*" } | Format-Table DisplayName, EmailAddresses

The PowerShell output result is shown below.

DisplayName        EmailAddresses
-----------        --------------
Test SharedMailbox {DLTDNETID:10032003642DB69B,,}

Run the below PowerShell command to get a list of all Distribution Group email addresses.

Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter { EmailAddresses -like "*" } | Format-Table DisplayName, EmailAddresses

See the below PowerShell output results.

DisplayName          EmailAddresses
-----------          --------------
Finance UK mail list {,}
RoomGroup            {}
Sales Spain          {,}
Sales Spain          {,}
Sales USA            {,}
SalesUK              {,}

Run the below PowerShell command to get all Dynamic Distribution Group email addresses.

Get-DynamicDistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter { EmailAddresses -like "*" } | Format-Table DisplayName, EmailAddresses

See the below PowerShell output result.

DisplayName    EmailAddresses
-----------    --------------
Dynamic        {}
Dynamic test 2 {}

Run the below PowerShell command to get all Unified Group email addresses.

Get-UnifiedGroup -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter { EmailAddresses -like "*" } | Format-Table DisplayName, EmailAddresses

The PowerShell output result is shown below.

DisplayName        EmailAddresses
-----------        --------------
Sales Team         {SPO:SPO_079142cc-bb67-440e-b99a-0be94049c99a@SPO_a2ff010e-0e03-4c56-8863-2ae7f07876dd,,}
Management Team    {SPO:SPO_05de02ce-e6eb-48dc-8020-2121678d9382@SPO_a2ff010e-0e03-4c56-8863-2ae7f07876dd,,}
IT                 {SPO:SPO_5c3acbd0-31e8-4788-b6be-d2cb0f7e3029@SPO_a2ff010e-0e03-4c56-8863-2ae7f07876dd,,}
M365 Dynamic Group {SPO:SPO_839a2af8-6518-4712-ae12-8e9025c9bf2c@SPO_a2ff010e-0e03-4c56-8863-2ae7f07876dd,,}
ZZgroup            {SPO:SPO_e82d151f-a843-4e9e-8474-c5b3304c0b41@SPO_a2ff010e-0e03-4c56-8863-2ae7f07876dd,,}
Sales              {SPO:SPO_336a3658-0414-4c8c-8d9c-fa2b7b71d071@SPO_a2ff010e-0e03-4c56-8863-2ae7f07876dd,,}

Export all email addresses to CSV file

To export all email addresses to a CSV file, you need to create a temp folder in the (C:) drive.

  1. Specify the CSV file path in line 2
  2. Run the PowerShell script to export all the email addresses to an Out-GridView and CSV file
# CSV export file path
$CsvPath = "C:\temp\AllEmailAddresses.csv"

# Initialize an empty array to store recipient information
$recipientInfo = @()

# Retrieve recipient information
$recipients = Get-recipient -ResultSize Unlimited

# Iterate through each recipient
foreach ($recipient in $recipients) {
    $recipientData = [PSCustomObject]@{
        DisplayName               = $recipient.DisplayName
        'Primary Email Addresses' = ($recipient.EmailAddresses | Where-Object { $_ -cmatch "SMTP:" } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "SMTP:", "" }) -join ";"
        'Proxy Email Addresses'   = ($recipient.EmailAddresses | Where-Object { $_ -cmatch "smtp:" } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "smtp:", "" }) -join ";"
        'SIP Email Addresses'     = ($recipient.EmailAddresses | Where-Object { $_ -like "sip:*" } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "sip:", "" }) -join ";"
        'X500 Email Addresses'    = ($recipient.EmailAddresses | Where-Object { $_ -like "x500:*" } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "x500:", "" }) -join ";"
    $recipientInfo += $recipientData

# Output the recipient information to Out-GridView
$recipientInfo | Out-GridView -Title "Microsoft 365 email addresses"

# Export the recipient information to a CSV file
$recipientInfo | Export-Csv $CsvPath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding utf8
  1. The Out-GridView results appears
Export email addresses with PowerShell Out-GridView
  1. Open the CSV file with Microsoft Excel to see the results
Export email addresses with PowerShell CSV file

That’s it!

Read more: How to export Full Access mailbox permission »


You learned how to search and export email addresses with PowerShell. There are different queries to use in the PowerShell command to retrieve the results you want. Another way is to export all the email addresses and filter them in Microsoft Excel.

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o365info Team

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